Bilateral Graph

9:56 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Bilateral graphs depict two or more variables. They show this in much the same way as a bar graph or line graphs.

Triangular Plot

9:52 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Triangular plots depict the way three variables interact with eachother. This is often used in geology as a way to show the way three different types of rocks can combine. The map to the right shows the ways in which political demographics were split


9:48 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Climographs show the average monthly amounts of precipitation and correlating temperatures. This map of Hawaii shows and average temperature of around 70-80 degrees year round while precipitation changes with seasons


9:44 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Windrose incorporate a rose compass overlain with the direction and power of winds. This is used most often by meteorologists to predict and study weather.

Parralel Coordinate Graph

9:40 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Parralel coordinate graphs are perhaps the most difficult and complex graphs within this catalogue. Parralel graphs depict multivariabled data, with each point having its own y/x axis with lines connection each observation between variables.

Population Profile

9:37 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Population profiles show the change in population by age. This is done through the use of a census.
In this profile you can see that while there is a greater number of younger males then females, females outnumber males later in life.


9:34 AM / Posted by tenorchick / comments (0)

Scatterplots show correlating data by the placement of dots. This map shows the correlation of the ages of wife and husband.